Pakistan Islamic Medical Association (PIMA) opposes government’s decision to open up mosques for prayers, urges people to pray at home during the pandemic.
[ad_1] > Debunking the myths that the occurrence of coronavirus is relatively low in Pakistan, the PIMA president said:…
مزید پڑھیںDecision to open mosques could prove detrimental: President PMA
[ad_1] Decision to open mosques could prove detrimental: President PMA [ad_2] View Reddit by Anooshaalam – View Source powered by…
مزید پڑھیںIn foreboding letter, doctors urge govt to take back decision to allow congregational prayers
[ad_1] In foreboding letter, doctors urge govt to take back decision to allow congregational prayers [ad_2] View Reddit by Special0perations…
مزید پڑھیںDoctors demand strict lockdown, urge religious scholars to review decision to open mosques
[ad_1] Doctors demand strict lockdown, urge religious scholars to review decision to open mosques [ad_2] View Reddit by Special0perations –…
مزید پڑھیںISPR: …NCOC is serving as a nucleus for one window operation to synergize and articulate national effort against COVID-19, optimise informed decision making and ensure implementation of decisions of NSC/ NCC. (5/5)
[ad_1] April 01, 2020 at 06:37AM: …NCOC is serving as a nucleus for one window operation to synergize and articulate…
مزید پڑھیں