Pakistani cab drivers provide free transportation to health workers in Spain
[ad_1] Pakistani cab drivers provide free transportation to health workers in Spain [ad_2] View Reddit by ubaidtariq – View Source…
مزید پڑھیںISPR: …two civilians including 18 years old girl sustained serious injuries. In last 24 hours 6 citizens including 2 girls have been injured & evacuated to nearby health facilities for necessary medical care. (2/2)
[ad_1] April 11, 2020 at 02:01AM: …two civilians including 18 years old girl sustained serious injuries. In last 24 hours…
مزید پڑھیںISPR: Forum paid tribute to those on frontline including Drs, paramedics, health care workers & LEAs for braving this pandemic. Forum also paid tribute to Kashmiri people who are fighting the pandemic under Indian atrocities & struggling for their just cause of self determination.(4/5)
[ad_1] April 07, 2020 at 06:51AM: Forum paid tribute to those on frontline including Drs, paramedics, health care workers &…
مزید پڑھیں