ISPR: Indian troops resorted to unprovoked Ceasefire Violations during last 24 hours using artillery and heavy mortars in Sharda, Dhudnial and Shahkot Sectors along LOC deliberately targeting Civilian population. Due to Indian Army’s indiscriminate fire of heavy weapons… (1/3)
[ad_1] April 10, 2020 at 10:30PM: Indian troops resorted to unprovoked Ceasefire Violations during last 24 hours using artillery and…
مزید پڑھیںIndian Media Alleging That Pakistan Is Sending Corona Positive Individuals To India Via Nepal #PakBioTerror
[ad_1] Indian Media Alleging That Pakistan Is Sending Corona Positive Individuals To India Via Nepal #PakBioTerror Bihar police exposes Pakistan's…
مزید پڑھیںPakistan Army shoots down Indian surveillance drone
[ad_1] Pakistan Army shoots down Indian surveillance drone [ad_2] View Reddit by reehahs455 – View Source powered by Focus News
مزید پڑھیںISPR: Forum paid tribute to those on frontline including Drs, paramedics, health care workers & LEAs for braving this pandemic. Forum also paid tribute to Kashmiri people who are fighting the pandemic under Indian atrocities & struggling for their just cause of self determination.(4/5)
[ad_1] April 07, 2020 at 06:51AM: Forum paid tribute to those on frontline including Drs, paramedics, health care workers &…
مزید پڑھیں